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11-Week Pregnancy – What Happens at This Point in Your Pregnancy?

Congratulations, you have reached week 11 of your pregnancy and are one week closer to completing the first trimester!

At this stage, your baby’s face takes on a more humanlike aspect and their ears have almost reached the same side of their head as before. Additionally, they’ve developed a tongue and palate in their mouth, as well as open nasal passages.

Your baby is the size of a lime

At 11 weeks, your baby may appear to be the size of a lime, but in reality they are closer to being like a sesame seed. At this stage in development, brain, spinal cord, blood vessels and heart formation are already underway.

At this point in your pregnancy, morning sickness and other symptoms should start to subside. However, you may still experience dizziness or fainting episodes due to a drop in blood pressure caused by pregnancy hormones.

At this stage, mood swings may become more frequent and serious due to elevated hormones or stress. Exercising or practicing yoga may help combat these changes while increasing urination and dehydration – which could cause dizziness and headaches if left untreated. If any questions arise, speak with your doctor.

Your baby’s head is one-third of its length

At this week’s ultrasound appointment, a healthcare provider will measure your baby’s head circumference from the broadest part of their forehead above their ears to the back of their head. This measurement will be compared with their body length to determine if they are taller than average – an encouraging sign that your little one is progressing well.

At 11 weeks, your baby’s hair follicles and tooth buds have formed on their crown, as well as their tongue. Additionally, each finger and toe have separated from being webbed together.

At this stage, you may feel exhausted and achy as your body works to prepare for labor. Mood swings may also occur at this time but are common and will eventually diminish as you near your due date.

Between weeks 11 and 14, you may have an early first trimester screen called Nuchal Translucency Screening (NTS) combined with a blood test to check for certain chromosome abnormalities.

Your baby’s fingers and toes are separating

Your baby is now a fetus, the stage of development from when they were an embryo until birth. As they continue to grow, you’ll notice their hands and feet are starting to form like little paddles; their ears are nearly fully formed with shell-shaped ear buds on their head; and their eyes have closed for some time now and won’t open again for several months.

Your baby’s hand or foot may begin to develop the ridges that identify where their fingers and toes will be, beginning to separate. This separation is known as syndactyly (sin-DAK-tuh-lee), where their bones are joined along with nerves and blood vessels; or complex syndactyly (sin-DAK-tuh-lee), where all three bones are joined.

Syndactyly typically requires surgery to separate its fingers or toes around age 1 or 2. This procedure is done through a small incision in the palm of their hands, with typically rapid recovery times.

Your baby’s ears are almost on the same side of its head

By the 11th week of your pregnancy, your baby’s ears should almost be on the same side as its head. At this stage, they may start to grab, pull and scratch them as they learn how to use their new pincer grip.

If your baby is making these funny facial gestures, it could be due to torticollis. This condition causes the neck muscles and bones on one side of their face to be smaller than on the other.

On one side of your baby’s neck, muscles can become tight and cause the ears to tip toward one shoulder and face to turn away from it. This is a common issue that usually improves with age as your child’s head size increases.

However, if your baby’s head appears flat on one side and not the other, this could be indicative of craniosynostosis. When these plates of bone fuse together too early, parts of the skull may move out of position as the brain develops – potentially leading to other issues like feeding difficulties.

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